Metalegion Magazine - Issue #8 (Magazines)

English written metal music magazine, available in PRINTED and DIGITAL formats. Focussed mostly on extreme metal, meaning death, black, thrash, doom, etc.

Quantity: 15
Delivery time: Shipped within 1-3 working days

Highlights on this issue range from features with some of the top acts of the metal scene, like Asphyx, The Amenta, Ablaze My Sorrow, Einherjer, Hell-Born, Dread Sovereign or the vile black metal act Atrexial but also covering underground gems like Akhlys, Korpsesoturi, Bhleg, Transilvania, Significant Point, Godagainst or the violent death metal rhythms of Soulskinner between others.

It also features a 2-page label report from the Indian Transcending Obscurity Records, a mixtape done by Inquisition vocalist/guitarist Jason “Dagon” Weirbach, an evolutive perspective of Scott Ian from Anthrax to Mr.Bungle, plus all sort of regular sections and a 78 minutes sampler CD featuring songs from bands that will satiate your headbanging needs.

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